Featured on Mint!

Regular readers of this site know that I’m a big fan of mint.com. I’ve been using it for years to track my spending, and at this point it’s an integral part of my un-budgeting system. It turns what could otherwise be a tedious burden into a relatively mindless exercise that takes me a total of about 20 minutes per week.
Well, last week I was featured on Mint’s blog, and let me just say that it was pretty exciting! I had the opportunity to share my story with a company I really admire, and of course get some nice exposure in front of their audience. Very cool!
But the real reason I want to share the interview with you today is because I think it does a really good job of explaining exactly why I started this financial planning practice aimed at helping new parents. If you’d like to learn a little more about my views on what financial planning is and how it can help just about anyone (even if you don’t have a lot of money), this is a good read.
There are even a few practical tips thrown in there, so you might be able to get something out of it that you could start using today.
You can read the entire interview here: Personal Finance Interview with Matt Becker on Family Finances.
Let me know what you think! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Great job on your interview!!!
Thanks Holly!
Congrats Matt! This is great info. I am going to save this to pass along to some younger couples in my church. Keep up the good work! -Chip
Very cool! I really appreciate it Chip. How was the trip to DR? Hope you guys got some good sun.
It was Awesome! But next time I will need polish up my Spanish.
That’s awesome Matt! Congratulations!
Thanks Tonya!
Pretty cool! Congrats
Thanks man! Lot of fun.
Congrats on being featured, Matt!
It is a great article! I’m always looking for tips about financial planners and retirement planning! Good job! I’ve pinned this!
Awesome! Thanks a lot! Finding a good financial planner isn’t easy, but there’s a huge benefit if you can do it.