What I Did With My Old Car After Buying a New One

My wife and I recently purchased our first new car together, a sexy 2007 Honda Odyssey with 43,000 miles on it. We went through a pretty intensive search process before deciding upon this particular car, and I wrote all about our decision-making process in the hopes that it would help you buy a car for yourself when it came time… Read more

Buying a Car: Sealing the Deal

Buying a Car: Sealing the Deal thumbnail

Welcome to the final installment of my series on buying a car. By now you should have the perfect car pretty much picked out and you should be ready to make a deal. Because you used my email negotiation techniques, you’ve already got a great price in hand, but there’s still some room to get it even lower. Beyond that, there… Read more

Buying a Car: Test Drive Like a Pro

Buying a Car: Test Drive Like a Pro thumbnail

If you’ve followed along with the entire series, you should now know exactly what car you want to buy, how much you want to pay for it, how you want to pay for it, and you will even have already negotiated an initial price with the dealer through email. So you’ve done most of the heavy lifting, and now it’s time… Read more

Buying a Car: How to Negotiate With the Dealers

Buying a Car: How to Negotiate With the Dealers thumbnail

If you’ve followed along with the first three posts in this series, you should already have a budget for your new car purchase, a timeline for making the purchase, thoughts on whether you’d like to pay cash or take out a loan, and finally the exact car models you’re interested in purchasing. Once you have those things down, you’re ready… Read more

Buying a Car: Picking a Car That Fits Your Needs

Buying a Car: Picking a Car That Fits Your Needs thumbnail

Based on my recent experience buying a car, I’ve created a car-buying series that will take you through the lessons I learned. Today is Part 3 in that series. In this post we’ll talk about the process of picking a car that fits your needs. There are a lot of cars out there and the last thing you want is the… Read more

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