How Long Will it Take For Buying a House to Pay Off?

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When it comes to housing, should you rent or should you buy? This is a question that’s especially relevant for new parents, who are at a stage where “settling down” and creating a “home” often feels like the “right” thing to do. But is it a good financial decision? Here’s one way to run some numbers and figure it out.Read more…

Where Should Buying a House Fit in Your Financial Priorities?

Where Should Buying a House Fit in Your Financial Priorities? thumbnail

For years, buying a house has been part of the “American dream”. The yard, the fence, the mortgage, all of it signal to the world that you’ve made it. It’s something to strive for, something we should all work hard for and be proud to achieve. Or is it? Home ownership certainly has its benefits. I’ve written on here before… Read more

Is Now the Right Time to Buy a House?

A little while back, I wrote about why my wife and I don’t yet own a house. In short, the lesson is that if you don’t have a long-term plan to be in one location, then from a pure financial standpoint buying a house is likely to lose you money. The cost to both buy and sell, in the form… Read more

Why We Don’t Own a House (Yet)

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Neither my wife nor I have ever owned a house. Since finishing college in 2007, I have rented 5 different apartments. Just under two years ago, when my wife and I found out we were pregnant with our first child, we were living in a tiny studio apartment across the street from Fenway Park. We needed more space. But rather… Read more