The Dual Benefit of Increasing Your Savings Rate
My friend Pauline wrote an excellent article yesterday touching on an incredibly important point that I almost never see mentioned: the dual benefit of increasing your savings rate. You can read the full article for yourself here: Where will your savings rate take you?
So what is this dual benefit and why is it so powerful? Let’s take a look.
Benefit #1: More money saved
The first benefit of increasing your savings rate is pretty obvious: the more you save now the more money you’ll have later. Pauline gives some excellent examples of how much you’ll end up with at different savings rates, but honestly this point has been discussed many times. It’s a very important reason to save money, but it’s nothing new.
Benefit #2: Less money needed
The part she gets into that’s really unique is that fact that an increased savings rate not only gives you more money, but it also means you require less money to live on. That in turn means that you don’t need to save as much or for as long to accumulate the money needed to retire.
I’ve modified Pauline’s examples a little bit for my purposes here to create the chart below, but the point is the same. These numbers assume a 40 year investment period, a 6% annual return, and a 4% withdrawal in retirement:
In both cases the individual has a $4,000 monthly income. In Scenario 1 the individual saves 10% of his or her income, and in Scenario 2 the individual saves 15% of that same income. There are a few things here that I would like to draw your attention to:
- In Scenario 2, not only is the Monthly Income After 40 Years much larger, but the monthly expenses are lower because the individual is used to saving more. This compounds the advantage of that extra income, giving the individual some extra cushion in retirement that could be used either as protection from outliving his or her money or simply as extra money available to enjoy life a little more.
- The Year Retirement Possible rows displays how many years it takes for the investor to have enough money from investments to cover the monthly expenses. There is a 7 year difference between a 10% savings rate and a 15% savings rate. Part of that is attributable to having more money saved, but part of it is attributable to having lower expenses.
The point here is to recognize that there are two effects working together that accelerate your ability to reach your retirement goal.
The research backs it up
A 2007 study by Jonathan Skinner, an economics professor at Dartmouth College, comes to this exact same conclusion. The paper looks at many aspects of whether baby-boomers are prepared for retirement, but one of his conclusions is that individuals with a 15% savings rate require 34% less money at retirement than those with a 2.5% savings rate. In other words, not only are they saving more, but they will need less. He describes the phenomenon like this (emphasis is mine):
One puzzle is why wealth requirements at retirement are so much larger for the household saving 2.5 percent (5.8 times income) instead of 15 percent (3.8 times income). After all, the saving rate might not seem to matter once households reach retirement. The resolution of the puzzle is to note that the high saving household has gotten used to a lower rate of consumption while working, so less is needed to smooth consumption through retirement. Raising saving rates therefore yields a “double dividend” in life-cycle saving by stimulating asset accumulation and attenuating future required consumption.
Clearly increasing your savings rate is beneficial, not just because it allows you to save more money. It also makes you accustomed to living on less, which then decreases your actual retirement need. These dual benefits work together to make retirement easier to achieve.
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Thanks to these carnivals for including me along with some other great posts!
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Carnival of Financial Independence
Carnival of Money Pros
Finance Carnival for Young Adults
Lifestyle Carnival
Yakezie Carnival
Photo courtesy of Peet Sneekes

This is a fantastic reminder on the importance of keeping expenditures low. The more I spend now, the more I am likely to keep spending into the future, even once I’m retired. Great analysis!
Very true. Habits are harder to change the longer they exist. Might as well form some good ones now so you don’t have to break bad ones later.
Needing less is one of the best things about saving a lot of your income. If you can learn to live on half of your earnings, then you can reach FI that much sooner!
It’s a win-win for sure.
Great illustration and I really liked how you included some research to back it up. The more you save the more you can plow into income-producing assets (there is risk here that I am leaving out for simplicity sake) and the sooner your 9-5 income can be replaced by those income-producing assets!
Definitely true. There’s always risk involved. But I’d rather take the savings and the accompanying investment risk than the other way around.
Yes, I agree. I have gotten used to living on much less over the past year and it’s not so bad. Saving all bonuses, raises, etc. is a great way to increase your savings without succumbing to lifestyle inflation.
That’s a great tip about bonuses and raises. I used to feel weird when I got a raise and was immediately excited about how much more I could save, but now it just feels like the norm. Like you say, once you try living on a little less you will usually find that it’s really not bad, and in a lot of ways pretty nice.
Increased savings is a good thing. Just the mentality to save will lead you to a brighter future. Thank you much for the mention Matt. I hope you have a good weekend.
Very true about the mentality itself being a big benefit.
Cool stuff! That research is very interesting. The practices of saving more and needing less basically evolve from the same basic principles – the desire to be prepared and not overindulge.
The research is definitely interesting. I’m glad there are actually people looking into things like that. Hopefully the word gets out!
More you save the more you earn. I have practiced to contain my needs and adjust with less, which has actually helped me to save more over a period of time
Yep, they work hand-in-hand. Thanks for the personal input Rita.
The numbers don’t lie! I’m constantly looking for new ways to increase savings. Challenging on a low income, but must be done. Thanks for the link love!
It is definitely tougher on a lower income. There’s just less fluff. You seem to be doing a good job getting creative with it though.
Thank you Matt for the spotlight and for explaining it much better than I did 🙂
Haha, I don’t know about that. Just wanted to highlight what I thought was a really great point you made. Have a great weekend!
This reminds me of Mr. Money Mustache. They got used to a frugal standard of living, and didn’t need $3 Million to retire, because they just didn’t need that much money. I’m hoping for the same, as I hope to need even less than I do now (with a paid off mortgage and such) in retirement. Great post.
And thanks for sharing my post 🙂
That’s a great point about not needing as much in retirement, and one I just didn’t want to get into here. But you’re absolutely right that you can definitely cut down on expenses. Though we’ll see how healthcare costs turn out…
Very interesting. The 2nd benefit of needing less money is less obvious, but also very true. Some articles claim that you need 85 to 90% of your pre-retirement income to survive during retirement. Really? I guess if you were living close to paycheck to paycheck. If you had a high savings rate, I would think you should need a lot less being that you no longer pay certain taxes and don’t have to save for retirement anymore.
Yep, you hit it right on the head. A higher savings rate means you need to replace much less income in retirement. Most people have a low savings rate, so they need to replace more income. It’s a double-whammy.
That’s a great way to frame the benefits of increasing savings rate. It also made me think of the 2007 Patriots or the mid-nineties Steelers: in each case the team’s crazy strength (offense or defense, respectively) made it so its counterpart didn’t need to produce as much for the team to be successful overall.
Haha, you really know how to play to my heart! I agree with the football comparison, though the memory of the 2007 Pats is so bittersweet. Which I’m guessing might have been one of the reasons you brought it up, haha. Enjoy the weekend!
It really wasn’t my intent, but hey, if I can bring up bad memories for a Patriots fan, then that’s just icing on the cake. 🙂
You have a good weekend, too, Matt.
Thanks for the shout out! Keep up the great work over here!
First, I love the double rainbow reference. Second, this just makes me excited to save more and learn to live on less. It will make my life a lot easier down the road! It’s crazy there’s a seven year difference in the age you’re able to retire. Just serves to put things into perspective.
Yeah I was pretty excited about getting to make a double rainbow reference. And it’s definitely true for me as well that framing things in terms of how much earlier I could retire has a big impact on how my decision is made.
One thing I try to stress to friends, family and bloggers is that “your savings rate is much more important than your asset allocation.” So many people stress out over where they should put their money, when they should be stressing over how much they’re putting away.
Couldn’t agree more. Asset allocation, stock picking, etc. all feels a lot fancier, which means that they get focused on a lot more. But the amount you save is more important than just about anything. And best of all, it’s directly within your control!
People who save more don’t need less, they want less. That is a big difference! While I’m known to confuse the two myself, the amount that I need to live on, even with a few wants bleeding in, is considerably less than the amount I would live on if I could.
That’s a good point. Most of us probably “need” a lot less than we think we do. A big piece of this approach is re-framing the concept of “need”, which goes a long way to making those needs attainable.
Saving more and spending less. Sounds so simple but most people screw it up completely. When you look at some budgets and see people spending 1k on just stuff and yet savings is 100$. Increasing the savings rate is one thing but we also need to make sure that the savings it adequate in the first place then we should double it.
Yep, the more you can save the better. Hopefully people realize what they’ve giving up when they’re not saving.
Thanks for the link! Have a great weekend!
No problem. You too!
Definitely save till it hurts!
Haha, I don’t know about hurts. Hopefully some of it feels good.
Thanks for the share, friend. It’s always flattering to be shared on your excellent blog. 🙂
Haha, no problem! It was a great post.