Thanks for clicking over from Thrift Genuity! I hope you enjoyed my post on some of the financial considerations when deciding to have a baby. One thing I really like about Greg is his straight-forward approach to evaluating decisions we all face in our daily lives, and my hope was to give you a similar approach on a new topic.

My goal with this site is to help young parents create a worry-free financial life so that they can spend more time focusing on the things they truly enjoy. I’ve picked out a few articles below that I think you will enjoy. Or you learn a little more about this site or just visit the blog.

If you liked my post on whether you can afford to have a baby, I think you’ll like these too:

Your Financial Plan: Purposeful. Secure. Simple.

Your Ideal Life

My Life Insurance Mistake

Optimizing My Work Commute: Challenging One of My Money Rules

Why I Love Insurance

How Important is Your Rate of Return?

My Personal Investment Plan

If you like those, feel free to connect with me on twitter or google+ or subscribe to future posts. Thanks again for stopping by!