What Wasn’t Part of Your Vision?

Yesterday, we talked about envisioning your ideal life and turning it into a list of priorities. The purpose of this exercise was to help you focus on the things that were important to you so that when you start setting goals and making financial decisions, you have a clear vision of what you’re working towards.

Just as important as the things on your list are the things that are not on your list. Look back at your list for a minute and start thinking about all of the things you left off. Is there anything in there about having a nice car? The newest cell phone? Did you want to work long hours? Eat out at a lot of nice restaurants? Did you picture your kids with a ton of expensive toys?

The point here is not that any of those things just mentioned are bad. The point is that when you really think about it, a lot of the things that you deem as important in your life are pretty simple and relatively inexpensive. Look long and hard at your list and really think about the things you included and those you left off. If there’s anything that’s not on your list, but that you spend time worrying about now, maybe you can relieve some stress just by understanding that those things really aren’t your priorities.

Part of being financially secure is not only knowing what’s important to you, but what’s not important to you, and then not wasting time and money on the unimportant things.

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2 Comments... Read them below or add one of your own
  • Priska January 11, 2013

    Hi Matt,
    You make a great point here.

    Last year I changed my goals to work toward what I value in life as opposed to what I want or think that I need.

    I have found it a much better system.

    I may think that I want a new car but when I ask about what I value and realize that what I value is quality time with family. If the car is unreliable and prevents me spending quality time with my family, it needs replacing, conversely, if the car works fine and I will have to spend more time away from home to pay for it I also have an answer.

  • Matt Becker January 11, 2013

    Thanks for sharing this Priska. I think your example is an excellent one. There are always many sides to a question and there’s no one answer for every situation. It’s really important for individuals to determine what’s valuable to them specifically and how to make those things their priorities. I’m glad it’s been working for you so far!

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